Sujata Samal
Name: Sujata Samal
Father’s Name : Sarata Samal
Vill – Nahakapada, Po- Daspalla
Block: Daspalla, Dist.- Nayagarh
Class- 10th Pass, Age – 16 years,
Sex- Female Caste-OBC,
Category – LV
School – Daspalla Girl High School, Daspalla
Sujata Samal was a Low Vision girl. She was detected by the Resource Teacher of IIEC under IEDSS project Daspalla. She was reading in the Daspalla Girls High School, Daspalla. Her Father’s is a daily wage labourer and mother a house wife. Her socio economic status was very miserable. She was facing problem in reading and writing in the class room due to eye problem. Her both eyes seemed to be irritated. Before one year she knew her eye sight was decreasing. She consulted eye specialist and used medicine and glass. Her eye sight decreased day by day. She was unable to take part fully in different activities and understanding the visual concepts properly.
After medical assessment she was provided glass through the Resource Teacher of IIEC
Providing Assistive devices such as book lenses, neck magnifier, hand held magnifier etc. for her study.
Providing uniform, study material and allowances through the Resource Teacher
She is sitting in the front line in the class room.
The Resource Teacher of IIEC are helping her in her studies in the class room and imparting remedial teaching in home.
After intervention she has improved in her academic and her daily living skill.
She has passed HSC examination in 1st class with flying colour. She has grown academically very strong.
Her self confidence has increased.